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Parents, Guardians, & Students

Why Choose NJVS?

New Jersey Virtual SchoolTM is your flexible courseware solution. We provide online instruction for various unique settings, such as (but not limited to):

  • New Course Credit
  • Credit Recovery
  • Summer School
  • Short-term Instruction
  • Homeschooling
  • and more...

Custom courses can be built to meet your unique curriculum needs and our self-paced, personalized courseware contains pre-assessments that allow students to "test-out" of assignments covering content they have already learned.

New Jersey Virtual School Logo with name in circle


New Jersey Virtual SchoolTM is a product of the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission and is backed by a full team of dedicated administrators and school professionals, including a certified Principal, secretary, and technology support team.



Frequently Asked Questions:

General Questions

Technical Support

Check our Support Services database for more step-by-step instructions to frequent inquiries.